Jay Goldberg's History


It's been a while since I spoke to someone from the troop regarding historical pictures of the troop, and I don't recall who that was.

I mentioned that I had older pictures, going back to when my son joined the troop, which then met at Steve Luther School, in 1988.

I have however found a batch from about 1989, but think I have more. In any case, I'm attaching what I have for now.

The first is a picture of the scouts the first year they carried the banner at the beginning of the La Palma Days Parade. It was 1989. Chris O'Neal, wife of Brian, and member of the La Palma Days Parade committee asked me if we could have the boys carry the banner (I have no idea who carried it previously; maybe they didn't have one previously. Then I was asked if I wanted to join that committee, which I did. Fifteen years later I am still writing the script for the parade. For many years, after 1989, the scouts not only carried the banner but also were the Parade Color Guard. At one point, when the troop was very small, we had the Girl Scouts carry the banner, and maybe even the colors--my memory has faded. In fairness to the Girl Scouts, we have had them carrying the banner ever since, with the boys carrying the colors.)

In this 1989 parade, the two banner carriers are: David Goldberg (my son) on the right (viewers left) and Bobbie LaMarr on the left (viewers right).

In the same scan as the parade picture is a picture of me, as scoutmaster. Note the patch above my right pocket that I proudly wore, the 1953 Scout Jamboree at Irvine Ranch (current site of Fashion Island). In case you didn't know, that is where Jamboree Blvd. gets its name; I have a picture of that as a one-lane dirt road leading into the Jamboree!

In this same envelope were some other pictures, of Pack 441--I believe they were re-numbered 650--in which I recognize my son and Brian and Scott O'Neal. I can clearly see the unit number on Brian's sleeve. Is there an historian in the Pack that might like copies of these pictures? These were probably taken at El Dorado Park where the Cubs use to camp.

The second scanned set was the banner and color guard from the 1991 La Palma Days Parade.

I have nothing in the parade script as to who were the banner and flag bearers, but I can recognize some.

Actually I can't recognize either of the banner bearers, but in the color guard there are: David Goldberg, American Flag; Ryan Grover, La Palma Flag; California Flag MIGHT be Wesley Howard; I'm not sure who that is on the MIA/POW flag; and I can't even see the fellow carrying the troop flag. Brian O'Neal might be better able to identify some of these boys; he was in the troop long after I left (with his second son, Erik).

Of interest to note, in the earlier picture they boys were wearing their red berets. It was either that year or the next that the Boy Scouts (at least in Orange County) banned the red berets for fear they would look like gang members, or be mistaken as gang members and shot at. The boys, being very proud of the red berets, voted to rather go bareheaded rather than wear the regular Boy Scout hat in 1991.




Thanks Jay for that piece of history




This page was last updated on 05/31/09